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Frequently Asked Questions at Our Sarasota, FL Dance Studio

We understand you may have many questions about dance lessons at our Sarasota, FL dance studio. Our professionals at Arthur Murray Dance Centers Sarasota are always here to answer any questions. So, reach out to us any time.

New Student Dance Special – Free First Lesson

Our programs are all-inclusive and you have access to individual lessons, group classes, and practice sessions.

That is great! We welcome all levels and will tailor your lessons to your skill level and goals.

Our group classes typically have 4 to 10 people to keep them as personalized as possible. We also have instructors in our classes to keep it running fast, fun, and easy.

Dancing is a skill that you can’t just learn one way. Private lessons are great for learning the specifics of dance, yet even they can’t teach you everything you need to be a great dancer. If you want to enjoy dancing in any situation you have to experiment with different leads and follow. Group classes and practice parties teach you to dance with people of varying skill levels all while still in the safe and accepting Arthur Murray Sarasota atmosphere.

You can learn the very latest steps in any social dance – Salsa, Swing, Hustle, Samba, Merengue, Foxtrot, Rumba, Cha-Cha, Mambo, Waltz, Tango, and so much more. Did you know that Arthur Murray dancers are trend-setters in the dance world? We’ve lent our style to some of the biggest movies and TV shows to come out of Hollywood. Have you heard of the more recent hits “Shall We Dance?” and “Dancing With The Stars”?

It’s the shoes that matter! We recommend ladies wear a short comfortable heel and men wear a comfortable light dress shoe. It’s best to have a shoe with a smooth sole on the bottom. Our policy asks for no flip-flops or boots while out on the dance floor.

Absolutely! Arthur Murray has a fool-proof method developed over 100 years that can truly teach ANYONE to learn to dance. Even if you have two left feet and no rhythm, you CAN learn to dance. The hardest step is the first one through the door. Just show up and we’ll take care of the rest!

The wonderful thing about being a student at Arthur Murray is you create a program tailored for your goals and budget. Whether you are getting ready for an occasion, dancing to compete, or just for fun you will have a personalized program. Before choosing a program we ask that new students begin by taking an Introductory Lesson so that we can recommend the best-suited program.

All of our private lessons or group classes are in 45-minute increments. On average your lesson will be either 45 or 90 minutes long.

Most students come in at least twice a week, however, we also have students who are in the studio every day, the choice is yours!

Even if you’ve never danced before, you’ll be dancing in your very first lesson! The length of your course will depend on how many dances you want to learn and how good you want to become in each dance.

You can put everything you’re learning into action right away at one of our practice parties. Outside of that, many of our students use their dancing at wedding receptions, reunions, company parties, and live music events. If you’re planning a vacation, going on a cruise will usually provide numerous opportunities to dance. Lastly, there are nightclubs you can go to as well. Whether it’s salsa or country, there’s a little bit of everything out there. The more dances you know, the more opportunities you have to use them.

No way! Whether taking our group classes, private lessons or joining practice parties you never need to bring a partner with you. We have designed all of our classes and parties so that there are zero cases of wallflowers on our dance floors.

This is more common than you think! In any style of partner dancing, you will have different jobs and responsibilities. So just because they took some dance classes before, that doesn’t come into play at all with your role as the leader or as the follower. It’s important to understand that dancing individually is much different than dancing with a partner. Our instructors will teach you to dance together comfortably and focus on individual techniques/styling to keep you both growing.

Getting started is easy. The first step is to schedule an introductory lesson with one of our certified instructors. During this session, your instructor will introduce you to various styles of dance as well as determine your learning style, and current dancing level. Once we are on the same page about what you want out of your dancing, we can recommend how to start your dancing journey!

Change Your Life Through Dance