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Personalized Dance Instruction in Sarasota, FL

Discover the Thrill of Dance at Any Age

Arthur Murray Dance Centers Sarasota teaches people of all ages and skill levels to dance in a fun and safe environment. For over 100 years, we’ve taught over 40 million people worldwide! Our specially trained and certified dance instructors in Sarasota, FL personalize each class to meet your needs. Whether you want to learn a special dance for an event, compete at an elite level or spice up your social dance skills, Arthur Murray Sarasota is the best place to learn! Contact us for more information!

New Student Dance Special – Free First Lesson

Changing Your Life Through Dance

Arthur Murray Dance Centers Sarasota changes your life in unimaginable ways. At Arthur Murray, we don’t just help you take your first steps on the dance floor, but also your first steps to a more confident and happier you! These are just a few ways we’ll change your life through dance:


You’ll leave each lesson with more & more confidence! Within no time you’ll be moving your body with strong poise and light grace. This confidence stems from everything you do from life at home to even how you carry yourself at work. Are you ready to take on the world with a dancer's confidence?


You’ll leave every class feeling progress. Staying motivated can be difficult on your own. We believe that the best way to keep you motivated is to set goals for your dancing. Have no fear, with the coaching and support of our staff there is no goal that is out of your reach!

Body Image

Have you ever seen a dancer walk into a room? What is the first thing that you notice? Posture of course! The more you dance you will start to feel a few things for yourself;
• Posture – It’s not just how you hold yourself, it’s also how you walk
• Weight Loss & Body Toning - Before long you’ll notice your pants fitting better, dancing is known as some of the best low impact cardio you can do
• Mental Health – Did you know dancing is proven to help fight depression, aid with preventing memory loss and even treating Alzheimer's?

Making Friends & Building Relationships

No matter where you are in life it’s nice to have a safe space filled with people who share a common interest. The Arthur Murray dance community is the best in the world! Even if your main interest is to add technique to your dancing, you’re bound to still make friends along the way.

Couple Dancing

Our Promise to You

Our specially trained and certified dance instructors promise to give you the experience of a lifetime. Whether you are a first-time dancer, a dance hobbyist or you are looking to be a top-tier competitive dancer, our instructors will help you reach your goals. At Arthur Murray Sarasota, we understand that no two students’ goals are the same, you can expect personalized dance instruction at the highest level. Arthur Murray Sarasota offers every dance under the sun! Take your pick, we offer salsa, tango, swing, ballroom, and many other types of dances. No matter what dance styles you choose, we promise to always keep dancing fun and interesting. Come find out more about our promise to help you succeed in dance today.

Contact Us Today to Find the Perfect Dance Class!